Friday, May 15, 2009

Recipes | Asparagus Fajitas

Asparagus Fajitas are something I learned from my mom. Sooo yummy. If you have a favourite way of making fajitas then do it your way, just swap the peppers out for asparagus. If you want to try my way, here's something I came up with last week. I doubt it's even remotely authentic, but it is delicious!

Serves two. If they are very hungry. I made my soft corn tortillas for them.

Marinade a medium steak for at least an hour in:
3 cloves garlic
3 tbsp lime juice
2 tsp cumin
1 tsp-1tbsp hot chili sauce

Snap the ends off about a pound of asparagus.

Fry the steak up with a dash of olive oil.. I am not at all a steak expert but I sear them first, then turn the heat down a bit and stick the lid on. Someday I will learn to cook steak properly.

While this is happening add to marinade:
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 tbsp flour or corn starch (I like my sauce to be think enough to stick to the asparagus)
1 tsp salt
whisk together

When the steak is done to your liking remove it and add the asparagus to the pan with a dash more oil if needed. Once they are a nice bright green add the marinade mixture. Continue cooking until they are as done as you like (I like a bit of firmness but some like them dead).

Slice the steak into thin slices and serve in the tortilla with asparagus, cheese and sour cream.

Eat while sighing with delight.