Monday, May 10, 2010

Gardening | Greenhouse fun!

Just back from a week in Creston hanging out with the family. Good times, lots of fun food. Asparagus season is here! If you have too much asparagus (as if it's possible) check out my previous recipes for asparagus soup and asparagus fajitas. Came back to see my greens just barely up and some of my shallots poking their little heads up into the world!

So today we went to the greenhouse to get the bedding plants:
Basil x 4
(getting oregano from my parents)

3 bell peppers (red, yellow and green)
1 jalapeno pepper
1 cherry tomato
1 low acid tomato (I have another one from my aunt)

marigolds and inpatients (to sprinkle among the veggies, for funzies)

So I still need to hunt down a summer squash plant and get seeds for beans, peas and carrots. Yum.

And lilacs coming soon!